INESC TEC Campus da FEUP Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 4200 - 465 Porto Portugal
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Filipe Joel Soares
Home Electric Mobility Team <Filipe Joel Soares
Area Manager
01 April 2008
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A method for optimal integration of energy storage in distribution networks: A business case
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Impact of PV for Self-consumption in the Day-ahead Spot Prices
Veículos elétricos: recursos móveis de energia
A Novel Incentive-based Retail Demand Response Program for Collaborative Participation of Small Customers
GReSBAS project: A gamified approach to promote more energy efficient behaviours in buildings
Identification and comparison of power and energy management capabilities of distributed energy resources
Impacts of plug-in electric vehicles integration in distribution networks under different charging strategies
Mapping the Impact of Daytime and Overnight Electric Vehicle Charging on Distribution Grids
Management of Inverter-based Distributed Energy Resources for Providing Voltage Regulation Support in Islanded Operation of Low Voltage Networks
Impact of Electric Vehicles in Three-Phase Distribution Grids
Network-secure bidding strategy for aggregators under uncertainty
A Technical Management and Market Operation Framework for Electric Vehicles Integration into Electric Power Systems
Electric Vehicles Charging: Management and Control Strategies
Network-secure bidding optimization of aggregators of multi-energy systems in electricity, gas, and carbon markets
Automatic Generation Control Operation with Electric Vehicles
Optimal bidding strategy for an aggregator of prosumers in energy and secondary reserve markets
Optimal Planning of Smart Home Technologies
Optimal supply and demand bidding strategy for an aggregator of small prosumers
Optimized Demand Response Bidding in the Wholesale Market under Scenarios of Prices and Temperatures
Orchestrating incentive designs to reduce adverse system-level effects of large-scale EV/PV adoption – The case of Portugal
Probabilistic Analysis of Stationary Batteries Performance to Deal with Renewable Variability
Quasi-real-time management of Electric Vehicles charging
Real-time provision of multiple electricity market products by an aggregator of prosumers
Real-World Implementation of an ICT-Based Platform to Promote Energy Efficiency
Simulating spatiotemporal energy technology adoption patterns under different policy designs
Spatial load forecasting of electric vehicle charging using GIS and diffusion theory
Spatiotemporal model for estimating electric vehicles adopters
State Estimation in Distribution Smart Grids Using Autoencoders
Stochastic market clearing model with probabilistic participation of wind and electric vehicles
Strategic Trade of Multi-Energy Aggregators with Local Multi-Energy Systems while Participating in Energy and Reserve Markets
The Role of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Frequency Containment Reserve: A Case Study in the Iberian Peninsula up to 2040
The STABALID project: Risk analysis of stationary Li-ion batteries for power system applications
Trading small prosumers flexibility in the day-ahead energy market
Trading Small Prosumers Flexibility in the Energy and Tertiary Reserve Markets
Using Virtual Choreographies to Identify Office Users’ Behaviors to Target Behavior Change Based on Their Potential to Impact Energy Consumption
Vertical Load Uncertainty at the T/D Boundary under different spatial der allocation techniques
Wind variability mitigation using multi-energy systems
Active Management of Electric Vehicles Acting as Distributed Storage
Advanced models and algorithms for demand participation in electricity markets
Advanced models and simulation tools to address electric vehicle power system integration (steady-state and dynamic behavior)
Electric Vehicles Grid Integration Under the MicroGrid Concept
Electric Vehicles in Isolated Power Systems: Conceptual Framework and Contributions to Improve the Grid Resilience
Electric Vehicles Participating in Frequency Control: Operating Islanded Systems with Large Penetration of Renewable Power Sources
Evaluating the impacts of Electric Vehicles and Micro-Generation in Distribution Networks
Evaluation of the Impact of Large Scale Integration of Micro-generation Units in Low and Medium Voltage Distribution Networks
An innovative approach for distribution network reinforcement planning: Using DER flexibility to minimize investment under uncertainty
Exploiting the Potential of Electric Vehicles to Improve Operating Conditions in Islanded Grids
Analysis of Consumer Expectations, Preferences and Concerns on Deployment of Demand Response in Turkey
A cluster-based optimization approach to support the participation of an aggregator of a larger number of prosumers in the day-ahead energy market
Assessing the Adaption of Stochastic Clearing Procedure to a Hydro-penetrated Market
Assessing the Impact of Demand Flexibility on Distribution Network Operation
Grid Interactive Charging Control for Plug-in Electric Vehicles
Identifying Management Procedures to Deal with Connection of Electric Vehicles in the Grid
Impact of the Deployment of Electric Vehicles in Grid Operation and Expansion
Inertial Control in Off-shore Wind Farms Connected to AC Networks through Multi-terminal HVDC grids with VSC
Integration of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks: Methodologies to Evaluate Impacts and Manage Electric Vehicles' Charging
Availability of Household loads to Participate in Demand Response
Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Electric Power System
A Monte Carlo Method to Evaluate Electric Vehicles Impacts in Distribution Networks
Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity: the EU MERGE Project
Models for the EV Aggregation Agent Business
Control and Management Architectures
Control Room Requirements for Voltage Control in Future Power Systems
Optimized Bidding of a EV Aggregation Agent in the Electricity Market
Controlling electric vehicles in quasi-real-time
Quantification of Technical Impacts and Environmental Benefits of Electric Vehicles Integration on Electricity Grids
DER Adopter Analysis using Spatial Autocorrelation and Information Gain Ratio under different Census-data Aggregation Levels
Detailed Evaluation of Long-term Gamified Residential Demand Management System Field Implementation
Development and Field Demonstration of a Gamified Residential Demand Management Platform Compatible with Smart Meters and Building Automation Systems
Development and implementation of Portuguese smart distribution system
Development of a novel management system for Electric Vehicle charging
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) grid agents for ancillary services of the smart grid
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)-based demand response for buildings, electric vehicles and prosumers (DAB-DSM)
Siting and Sizing of Energy Storage Systems to Maximize DG Integration in MV Distribution Networks
Smart Charging Strategies for Electric Vehicles: Enhancing Grid Performance and Maximizing the Use of Variable Renewable Energy Resources
Smart Grids With Electric Vehicles: The Initial Findings of Project Reive
Distribution network planning considering technology diffusion dynamics and spatial net-load behavior
Distribution Network Planning Using Detailed Flexibility Models for DER
A gamification platform to foster energy efficiency in office buildings
The MERGE Project: Impacts of Electric Vehicles on the Distribution System Steady-State Operation
Electric Vehicles Charging Management and Control Strategies
Electric vehicles contribution for frequency control with inertial emulation
Electric Vehicles in Automatic Generation Control for Systems with Large Integration of Renewables
Using Vehicle-to-Grid to Maximize the Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources in Islanded Electric Grids
Erratum to “Optimal supply and demand bidding strategy for an aggregator of small prosumers” [Appl. Energy 213 (2018) 658–669]
Evaluation of the benefits of the introduction of electricity powered vehicles in an island
Exploiting autoencoders for three-phase state estimation in unbalanced distributions grids
Explorative spatial data mining for energy technology adoption and policy design analysis
FEEdBACk: An ICT-Based Platform to Increase Energy Efficiency through Buildings’ Consumer Engagement
Advanced Metering Infrastructure Functionalities for Electric Mobility
Flexibility assessment of multi-energy residential and commercial buildings
Forecasting Energy Technology Diffusion in Space and Time: Model Design, Parameter Choice and Calibration
Framework for the participation of EV aggregators in the electricity market
Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT
Grid Responsive Society Through Building Automation Systems
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