Home Newsroom Events V2G – is it the right time? | 10th Anniversary of INESC TEC Smart Grids and Eletrical Vehicles Laboratory

V2G – is it the right time? | 10th Anniversary of INESC TEC Smart Grids and Eletrical Vehicles Laboratory

14 December 2020

INESC TEC's Laboratory of Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles (SGEVL) organizes a debate focusing on the impact and relevance of this infrastructure in the energy sector, celebrating its 10th anniversary. The session is scheduled for December 14, between 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm (Lisbon time), and will be broadcasted online, in English.

Under the motto “V2G - is it the right time?”, Luís Seca (member of INESC TEC's Executive Board), João Peças Lopes (Associate Director of INESC TEC), Nikos Hatziargyrou (professor at the National Technical University of Athens), João Torres (CEO of EDP Distribuição) and Nuno Silva (CTO of the EFACEC group) will talk about the next decade’s challenges in the energy field, starting the debate with an analysis of the joint achievements of industry and research in terms of smart grids and electric mobility.

Scheduled programme:

  • Luís Seca (INESC TEC) will open the session and moderate the discussion;
  • João Peças Lopes (INESC TEC) and Nikos Hatziargyrou (NTUA) - discussion on the path taken in the fields of smart grids and electrical mobility, leading to the creation of the Laboratory;
  • João Peças Lopes (INESC TEC), João Torres (EDPD) and Nuno Silva (EFACEC): industrial and scientific results and advances promoted by the Laboratory for industry, R&D institutions and other organisations over the past 10 years;
  • All speakers, together with the participants: discussion on the future of one of the main areas of R&D in the infrastructure - electric mobility -, under the motto “V2G charging: is it the right time?”.

Registration is free, but mandatory.


14 December 2020


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