Power and Energy Webinar Series - Data privacy and monetization in the energy sector
17 January 2022
The 12th “Power and Energy Webinar Series” will be organized on Monday, January 17, at 2:30 pm (GMT), under the motto “Data privacy and monetization in the energy sector”.
Ricardo Bessa (INESC TEC) and Pierre Pinson (Technical University of Denmark) , will be responsible for leading this webinar. Vladimiro Miranda will be in charge of the moderation.
You are all welcome!
People interested in participating in the session should register on the initiative's website: https://energywebinars.inesctec.pt/. After completing the form available on the website (“participate” section), the participants will receive, closer to the session, an email from the organization with the credentials access.
About the presentations:
1- Privacy-preserving federated learning for smart grids, Ricardo Bessa
Collaborative analytics with data from different owners can lead to an improvement in renewable energy forecasting skill, but also enables the extraction of valuable information from smart meters to support low voltage control functions. This talk will present a cross-silo federated learning algorithm developed to handle private and confidential data from the energy sector and discuss its application to forecasting and control use cases in the Smart Grid domain.
2- Regression markets and application to energy forecasting, Pierre Pinson
The operation of energy systems heavily relies on data, where most agents would benefit from also accommodating data (or more generally information) for other agents. There does not exist, however, a general framework that would allow incentivizing information sharing, with the general objective of improving energy system operation in a liberalized market environment. So far, data has largely been taken for granted as a free and highly accessible commodity in energy systems operations, which is in glaring contrast to the growing concern over privacy both on small individual energy user levels, and on large corporate or even national levels. We hence propose to explore designs for data marketplaces that would be relevant for energy systems. As a special case, emphasis is placed on data markets linked to specific analytics tasks e.g. regression as a support to forecasting (may be least-squares or quantile regression for instance). Our proposal specifically focuses on yielding the right market properties, e.g., to incentivize data sellers to provide high-quality data while being given the freedom to set their individual return threshold based on privacy. Meanwhile, the data buyer balances the trade-off between the payment to the data sellers and their own gain from the additional data. Those proposals are made within both batch and online learning setups, to generally accommodate different types of analytics tasks within energy system operations.
About the speakers:
1. Ricardo Bessa, Senior Researcher at INESC TEC - Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES)
Ricardo Bessa was born in 1983 in Viseu, received the BSc (5-year) degree in electrical and computer engineering, the MSc degree in data analysis and decision support systems, and the PhD degree in Sustainable Energy Systems (MIT Portugal) from the University of Porto. He is coordinator of the Center for Power and Energy Systems at INESC TEC. His main research interests include renewable energy, energy analytics, smart grids, and electricity markets. He serves as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
2. Pierre Pinson, Professor of Operations Research at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Dept. of Technology, Management and Economics)
Pierre Pinson is a Professor of Operations Research at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Dept. of Technology, Management and Economics). He is an IEEE Fellow and an ISI/Clarivate highly-cited researcher (2019 & 2020). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Forecasting. His main focus areas cover forecasting, optimization and game theory, with power and energy systems being a relevant application area. He has published extensively in some of the leading journals in Meteorology, Power Systems Engineering, Statistics and Operations Research. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford (Mathematical Institute), the University of Washington in Seattle (Dpt. of Statistics), the European Center for Medium-
range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, UK), a visiting professor at Ecole Normale Superieure (Rennes, France) and a Simons fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK).
About the moderator:
Vladimiro Miranda, Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and Associate Director at INESC TEC
Prof. Vladimiro Miranda graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1977 and received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from FEUP, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1982. He joined INESC TEC in 1985, where he came to be coordinator of the area of Power Systems during the 90s. He was a member of the Board of Directors of INESC TEC, Portugal - an R&D private non-profit organization recognized by the Ministry of Science and with the University of Porto as the main associate - for 18 years until June 2018, and holds presently the following responsibilities. Full Professor (Professor Catedratico) at FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal and Director-President of INESC P&D Brasil, an R&D private non-profit organization with headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is Associate Director at INESC TEC, International Affairs and member of the Doctoral Council of UTAD (University of Tras os Montes e Alto Douro), Portugal. He is International Scientific Advisor for: IRESEN, Agency associated to the Ministry of Energy, Morocco; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica (Madrid), Spain; Instituto de Energia Electrica (San Juan), Argentina; Laboratory for Biologic and Chemical Defense of the Portuguese Army, Portugal. He was invited as Honorary Professor of the Novi Sad University, Serbia, and was President of INESC Macau, China. In 1996 and 1997 he stayed as Visiting Full Professor in the University of Macau, China. In 2005 he was Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil, and in 2015-2018 he was visiting researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. Prof. Miranda has been serving in the Administration Board of spin-off companies created within the INESC system. He has also served as research project evaluator for the governmental science organizations of Portugal, Norway, Croatia, South Africa, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. For the Government of this latter country, he acted as external auditor in the process of evaluation of research institutions. He has supervised, co-supervised or cooperated in the supervision of a large number of PhD and MSc theses e power systems in several countries and universities such as in Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Bosnia, China, Ecuador, Norway or Sweden. He has been responsible for many research projects at international level, in the European Union, United States and Brazil, and has authored or co-authored over 200 publications, especially in areas related with Power Systems and the application of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems. He has been a member (at times the chairman) of the organizing or scientific committees of several important conferences in his areas of expertise such as PMAPS, ISAP, IEEE Power Tech. Prof. Miranda is an IEEE Fellow. He received the IEEE Power Engineering Society Ramakumar Family Renewable Energy Excellence Award in 2013 and is a member of the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program.
We remind that all INESC TEC researchers are invited to participate in these webinars as speakers. If you are interested, please fill in this questionnaire.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any doubts, via the following e-mail: energywebinars@inesctec.pt
17 January 2022
17 January 2022
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