INESC TEC Campus da FEUP Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 4200 - 465 Porto Portugal
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Clara Sofia Gouveia
Home A nossa equipa Clara Sofia Gouveia
Responsável de Área
01 julho 2011
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Microgrid Service Restoration The Role of Plugged-In Electric Vehicles
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Microgrid Demonstration Projects and Pilot Sites
MicroGrid Energy Balance Management for Emergency Operation
Microgrids emergency management exploiting EV, demand response and energy storage units
A Multi-Temporal Optimal Power Flow for Managing Storage and Demand Flexibility in LV Networks
Enabling Interoperable Flexibility and Standardized Grid Support Services
Predictive management of low-voltage grids
Integration; of energy storage in LV grid normal and emergency operation
Low voltage grid data visualisation with a frame representation and cognitive architecture
A Multi-Temporal Optimal Power Flow Model for Normal and Contingent Operation of Microgrids
A Multiobjective Approach for the Optimal Placement of Protection and Control Devices in Distribution Networks With Microgrids
INESC Porto experimental Smart Grid: Enabling the deployment of EV and der
Impacts of plug-in electric vehicles integration in distribution networks under different charging strategies
Multi-Period Modeling of Behind-the-Meter Flexibility
Operational Characteristics of Microgrids with Electric Vehicles
Optimal Allocation of Protection and Control Devices in Distribution Networks with Microgrids
Optimal Power Flow Solution for Distribution Networks using Quadratically Constrained Programming and McCormick Relaxation Technique
Optimizing PV Self-Consumption through Electric Water Heater Modeling and Scheduling
Planning of distribution networks islanded operation: from simulation to live demonstration
Towards new data management platforms for a DSO as market enabler – UPGRID Portugal demo
Procedures for Emergency Situations
Quantifying the Difference Between Resilience and Reliability in the Operation Planning of Mobile Resources for Power Distribution Grids
SENSIBLE project: Évora demonstrator enabling energy storage and energy management creating value for grid and customers
Electric Vehicles Charging: Management and Control Strategies
The role of low-voltage-ride-through capability of distributed energy resources for the mitigation of voltage sags in low voltage distribution grids
A Three-Stage Model to Manage Energy Communities, Share Benefits and Provide Local Grid Services
Evaluating the impacts of Electric Vehicles and Micro-Generation in Distribution Networks
Energy services bridging the gap between residential flexibility and energy markets
Black start and islanding operations of microgrid
Characterization of TSO and DSO Grid System Services and TSO-DSO Basic Coordination Mechanisms in the Current Decarbonization Context
Operational Characteristics of MicroGrids with Electric Vehicles
Conditional parametric model for sensitivity factors in LV grids: A privacy-preserving approach
Coordinated Management of Distributed Energy Resources in Electrical Distribution Systems
Coordinating Distributed Energy Resources During Microgrid Emergency Operation
Coordinating Storage and Demand Response for Microgrid Emergency Operation
Low-voltage grid upgrades enabling islanding operation
Data-driven Anomaly Detection and Event Log Profiling of scada Alarms
Development and implementation of Portuguese smart distribution system
Smart Grids With Electric Vehicles: The Initial Findings of Project Reive
The MERGE Project: Impacts of Electric Vehicles on the Distribution System Steady-State Operation
Electric Vehicles Charging Management and Control Strategies
Energy storage management for grid operation purposes
Experimental validation of smart distribution grids: Development of a microgrid and electric mobility laboratory
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